Worship Sites & Property

St. John the Baptist - Worship Sites

St. John the Baptist (Main Church open Weekends & Holy Days)

St. John the Baptist Church is the Main Worship Site of the parish.  Located at 119 Rector Street, weekend Masses, Funerals, Weddings, and Baptisms are all held within. 

St. John the Baptist All Saints' Chapel (Open Weekdays)

Join us Weekdays at 7:00 AM and private prayer until 4:00 PM Monday through Friday (Adoration Fridays). 

St. Josaphat Worship Site (First Saturday Mass/ PAHA & Other Liturgies)

In 2012, the parishes of St. John the Baptist. St. Josaphat, and St. Mary of the Assumption merged.  St. John the Baptist Church located at 119 Rector Street became the primary worship site for the newly merged parish.

At St. Josaphat Church, First Saturday Mass is held at 8:30 AM with the intention of increased devotion to St. John Paul II, followed by a meeting of the Polish American Heritage Association.  Mass is preceded by Confessions beginning at 8:00 AM.

Should you request more information about St. Josaphat Church, please contact the parish office.  Special Liturgies (funerals and weddings) must be reviewed and approved by the Pastor in advance. 

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