Confirmation for Adults

Confirmation for Adults

If you are a Catholic Adult that has received the sacraments of Baptism and Holy Eucharist in the Catholic Church, each Spring, after Easter, a short, four evening preparation course is offered at St. John the Baptist in order to become a fully initiated Catholic through the Sacrament of Confirmation, which is held at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul, on Pentecost Sunday.  (Those who wish to be Godparent or Sponsor are required to receive Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation in the Catholic Church.)

In 2025, Four classes will be held and begin on May 13 and are each Tuesday night from 7-8:30 in the Parish Center, and Confirmation is held at the Cathedral Basilica on June 8, Pentecost Sunday, at 11:00 AM.

Please contact Kristi Bushner at or call the parish office to sign up at
215-482-4600.  All four Tuesdays are mandatory attendance for this opportunity.

(Full Inititation in the Catholic Church (Baptism, Holy Eucharist, Confirmation and Sacramental Marriage in the Catholic Church, if married, is required to be Godparent or Sponsor.)

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