Thank you for your interest in getting involved at St. John the Baptist!
*Prior to volunteering all interested volunteers must agree to complete any necessary Safe Environment background checks. See Prior to Volunteering for more information.*
As Catholic Christians, anyone interested in serving in a Liturgical or spiritual ministry at St. John the Baptist must be a registered parishioner who is regularly participating in the sacramental life of the parish by attending Mass regularly, fully initiated Catholic (received the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation in the Catholic Church), sacramentally married or living within the norms of church teaching.
**Formal training in certain ministries is required and *pastoral approval.
If you are ready to find out more, email or call us today, fill out a
Volunteer Interest Form and
email it to us.
The most important and necessary ministries are within the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. If you are Catholic, and ready and committed to a life in Christ through the Word and the Sacraments, this is for you. Formal Training is required for these ministries and a regular commitment at Sunday Masses. These ministries are scheduled, and shared with several others in our parish community and are flexible.
Essential Ministries at Sunday Mass
Lector** (Proclaiming the Word of God during the Mass / comfortable and experienced speaking in public)
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion at Mass** (distributing the Most Blessed Sacrament of Holy Communion)
Adult or Student Altar Server / Sacristan** (Assisting the Priest during the Mass)
Sacristan** (Preparing the Church and Altar before Mass, during, after Mass Ends)
Additional Opportunities during Mass
Musician** (at all Masses)
Choir Member** (at the 11:00 AM Mass)
Usher** (at the Mass of your choosing on a regular rotating schedule)
Greeter **(at the Mass of your choosing on a regular rotating schedule)
Weekday Essential Ministries
Weekday Mass Lector** (Weekdays of your choosing at 7:00 AM Mass)
Weekday Mass Sacristan** (Weekdays of your choosing at 7:00 AM Mass)
Catechesis (Becoming Catholic for Youth and Adults)
PREP** (Parish Religious Education Program for Students / Sunday Mornings during the School Year)
OCIA** (Order of Christian Initiation for Adults / Tuesday Evenings from Sept. - April)
The following opportunities may also be a good fit for sharing your gifts and talents:
Weeknight In-Person Opportunities
Baptismal PREP Team*
Pastoral Council* (Prayerfully assists the Pastor in implementing the Pastoral Plan)
Finance Council* (Assists the Pastor in Financial Aspects of the Pastoral Plan)
Parish Pastoral Planning Team* (2022-24 Research, Development and Implementation of the Pastoral Plan)
Prayer Group (meets nightly via conference call)
Evangelization and Book Study (Tuesday Night Catholic series / book study)
Gospel Reflections Discussion Group (Wednesdays / also held via Zoom)
Young Adult Women's Bible Study (Thursday Nights)
Heart 2 Heart Outreach (Planning and Development of all parish outreach and giving within the year)
Additional Occasional Opportunities
Sunday Offering Team member (weekly office help for those with a financial background)
Altar Linen Society** (Laundering and care of Sacred Altar Linens)
Volunteer Recognition (Annual volunteer gift preparation, recognition in communications and at events)
Food Bank (sorting food and hospitality at Eastertime, Thanksgiving, Christmastime)
Backpack Drive (Assistance and organization of donated items for Philadelphia students)
Bereavement Ministry (Writing and mailing Cards to homebound, hospitality at Annual Memorial Mass in November)
Parish Office Assistance (office help as needed that fits with your talents)
Communications (Graphic Design / Printing / Social Media / Photography)
Church Marthas (cleaning and maintenance of the church and shrines / garden)
Cemeteries (Memorial Day service and assistance with grave maintenance and veteran recognition events)
Spectrum of Life (Pro-Life Awareness in all stages of Life)
Community & Hospitality (service to the parishioners and community in welcoming hospitality events)
Poor Person's Supper (February)
Easter Egg Hunt (March / April)
Memorial Day Mass and Service (May)
4th of July Parade and Picnic (July)
Pet Blessing (October)
Alumni Association (Data entry, communications, and hospitality)
Christmas Bazaar (November)
St. Nicholas Brunch (December)
Wigilia (December)
M-F; 9AM - 4PM
St. John the Baptist Church
119 Rector Street, Philadelphia
All Saints' Chapel & Parish Center
Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
146 Rector St, Philadelphia PA 19127
St. Josaphat Church (Worship Site)
124 Cotton Street, Philadelphia