Clergy, Staff, Volunteers

St. John the Baptist Parish Offices, Parish Center, Chapel

146 Rector Street, Phila., PA  19127



Reverend Kenneth Cavara
Parochial Administrator

Reverend Hugh Joseph Shields 
Permanent Resident, Emeritus

Deacon John Farrell

Part-Time Deacon

Deacon Casper Baratta

Permanent Deacon,  Emeritus

Priest Celebrants at St. John the Baptist

Rev. Thomas McKenna, Vincentian Theologiate

Rev. Charles Strollo, Vincentian Theologiate
Rev. Dan Joyce, St. Joseph University

STAFF (Individual Office Hours vary, please see below).

Parish Business & Operations

Lex Nugent

Business Manager
Monday - Thursday, 8AM-2PM
215-482-4600 x 108

Roseanne Westerfer

Parish Operations Director

Monday - Thursday, 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM
215-482-4600 x 112

Theresa Grato

Parish Secretary & Baptism Arrangements
Monday - Friday, 9AM - 4PM
215-482-4600 x101

Eileen Stolzer

Capital Campaign Secretary

Tuesday & Thursday, 10 AM - 3 PM

215-482-4600 x102

Carl Ellzy

Parish Maintenance

Tuesday-Thursday, 8 AM - 3 PM

Lee Ochal

Parish Maintenance

Drew Nugent

Parish Maintenance


Bob Leso
Liturgical Music Director
Office Hours By Appointment

Faith Formation

Becoming Catholic for Adults: Kristi Bushner

Adult Faith Formation Director

Adult Faith Formation Office is open by appointment

Catholic Youth Formation

Youth PREP Director of Religious Education:  Poornima DSouza 

Youth Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) Office Weekly Hours Vary;
Sunday 8AM - 12 PM

215.482.4600 x107

Parish Outreach 

Senior Care Program

Christopher Minnick

Monday - Wednesday, 9AM - 5PM
215.482.4600 x109

For other outreach programs or questions, please call our office at 215-482-4600 x112, or see our full list of programs here.


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